Saturday, November 24, 2012

Small Business Saturday at Rocking Fun Music tm Records

What gives? My little Nevae'h Angel wakes me up at 7am and says, it's time to work, it's black Saturday! I tell her that yesterday was "Black Friday" and today is Small Business Saturday.
She didn't care either or. She just wanted me out of bed to party rock. The day started with her wanting to play Twister, but I told her "no Twister, before noon." That did not go over so well with her. We opted for a jam to "Erase Me," by Kid Cudi."
The angel went back home and before I could get to the local record store, I own in Burlington, Wisconsin, Rocking Fun Music tm Records, I had a Saturday appointment for blood work at the local hospital.
I had to wait 45 minutes with no one in the office, only steel gates blocking the blood-gates of Aurora hell.
Finally I had to hunt down housekeeping to try to get a lab tech-to take my blood, that at this time was boiling, considering , I had my "support small business signs," provided by American Express, scattered all over my windows at the record store.
I finally went off on the housekeeping lady and said, "I am a local business woman, who needs to get to work." Take my blood or I am leaving. A young lady comes out, looking terrified , compliments me on my fishnet stockings and teacher-ish attire. She takes my blood and says, "Wow, I haven't done this in years, that went well."
I rush out to find my mate in a smart-phone struggle with an angry bird. I'm like, "Let's Go."
So now I am here , dealing with the the Seinfeld like characters, from the boarding house across the street, slamming coffee to get rid of the headache, just to shut off-the Christmas lights and go home! Whish-what a day .....

-Kellie Levans-
Rocking Fun Music tm Records 

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